Physiotherapy and rehabilitation is the field of health that helps restore a person's ability to move and function after injury, disorder or disability. While physiotherapists are encouraging people of all ages to live healthy lives, they try to prevent injury and help people to regain the functions lost due to disorders or disabilities.

Physiotherapy accelerates and facilitates recovery. Physiotherapists help people get on with their work and life while treating them to remain as independent as possible.

At CARIA Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, Assoc. Prof Dr. Cem Yalın KILINÇ recommends physiotherapy and rehabilitation applications to his patients when necessary. Our physiotherapists in our clinic, MSc. PT. Mustafa KUBILAY apply personalized exercise and rehabilitation programs to the patients and clients. The exercises or other physiotherapy applications recommended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cem Yalın KILINÇ are meticulously applied by our physiotherapists.

For Example;

  • Before a planned knee prosthesis surgery, our physiotherapists give our patient exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Thus, after the operation, our patient enters a rapid recovery process with his strong muscles and has the opportunity to walk the day after the operation.
  • On the other hand, in operated or plaster-treated fractures, our patients can return to their normal lives faster than expected thanks to early rehabilitation practices in a controlled manner.
  • Personalized exercise programs are organized for individuals who complain about the effects of a healthy but sedentary life, togehter with pain and weakness. Our clients take a step towards a healthy life with exercise modules such as 'Reformer Pilates, Clinical Pilates or Body Weight Exercises' in our clinic.

It is very important that specialists perform physiotherapy and exercise applications. Each person's body structure is unique, and so should their workouts. For this, we are ready to serve you in CARIA Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation with our specialist physiotherapist staff.